Finnish courses

Finnish language courses, open for all, available for 40 euros

You can learn Finnish in our courses Suomi 1, 2 and 3. Start from a level suitable for you and gradually proceed to the next level as your language skills improve. Alternatively, you can select just one course of your choosing. Courses cannot be renewed.

You can choose between contact teaching at the Institute on Runeberginkatu 22-24, 00100 Helsinki, or distance teaching on Zoom.

Each course contains 28 lessons. The fee for one course is 40 euros. In addition, you need to acquire the text book Suomen mestari 1, Gehring-Heinzmann (revised edition) yourself.

The studies are part-time which means that they do not have an effect on unemployment benefits.

Read more on terms of registration, payment and cancellation.

Finnish courses in Spring 2025

Suomi 1 (0–A1.1)

The course is aimed at beginners who can read and write with Latin alphabet. The course introduces the basics of Finnish pronunciation and the alphabet. You will learn and practise how to introduce yourself, ask questions and deal with everyday situations. The language of instruction is Finnish. English is used as an auxiliary language if necessary. Textbook: Suomen mestari 1, chapters 1–3.

Classes starting in January:
Contact teaching (Lähi): 20.1.–24.2., Mon and Thu 14:10–16:20 and Fri 14:10–15:30
Distance teaching (Etä): 20.1.–24.2., Mon and Thu 17:10–19:10

Classes starting in February: (Both full!)
Contact teaching (Lähi): 25.2.–4.4., Tue and Fri 14:10–16:20
Distance teaching (Etä): 25.2.–3.4., Tue and Thu 17:10–18:30

Classes starting in April:
Contact teaching (Lähi): 10.4.–21.5., Mon 14:10–15:30 and Wed 14:10–16:20
Distance teaching (Etä): 9.4.–21.5., Mon and Wed 17:10–18:30

Suomi 2 (A1.1–A1.2)

The course teaches you how to talk about your family and describe your appearance. You will also practise making appointments and shopping clothes in a store. Topics include everyday verbs, adjectives, the time and colours. The language of instruction is Finnish. English is used as an auxiliary language if necessary. Textbook: Suomen mestari 1, chapters 4–5.

Classes starting in February: (Both full!)
Contact teaching (Lähi): 27.2.–3.4., Mon and Thu 14:10–16:20
Distance teaching (Etä): 27.2.–2.4.2025, Mon and Wed 17:10–19:10

Classes starting in April:
Contact teaching (Lähi): 8.4.–13.5., Tue and Fri 14:10–16:20
Distance teaching (Etä): 8.4.–15.5., Tue and Thu 17:10–19:10

Suomi 3 (A1.2–A1.3)

The course teaches you how to talk about home, living and travelling. You will also learn phrases to communicate with customer service and authorities. Topics include adjectives related to home, furniture and transport. The language of instruction is Finnish. English is used as an auxiliary language if necessary. Textbook: Suomen mestari 1, chapters 6–7.

Classes starting in April:
Contact teaching (Lähi): 10.4.–15.5., Mon and Thu 14:10–16:20
Distance teaching (Etä): 10.4.–21.5., Mon and Wed 17:10–19:10