Home Basic Education Basic Education You can apply to our Basic Education at any time of the year. The aim is to prepare you for further studies or enhance possibilities to find work or become a Finnish citizen. Apply to Basic Education Helsingin aikuisopisto arranges Basic Education for adult immigrants. You can complete the Literacy, Introductory and Final phase. You can apply to our Basic Education at any time of the year. Read this before you apply Read more on requirements for different phases. When you apply to Basic Education, we will select the phase suitable for you on the basis of the entrance exam. If you are a customer of the Employment agency, please contact your agency’s contact person before sending an application. It is possible to receive study allowance from Kela. Fill out the application You can submit your application online. If you need help with the application, we can fill it out together with you at the Basic Education Office at Runeberginkatu 22-24. If you need to revise your application or any of your contact information (phone number, address etc.) changes, please contact the office. Do not send a new application. Fill out the Application form Invitation to entrance exam You will get an invitation to the entrance exam by e-mail and text message. Wait for the invitation. Applications are processed in the order of arrival. We will arrange an entrance exam for all applicants. We do not accept students on the basis of certificates only. The entrance exam consists of written test and an interview. Students are selected based on the test results and interview. Letter of acceptance You will receive a letter notifying of your acceptance. The terms usually start in January or August. Also, you will recive a letter informing that you have been placed on a waiting list. If you are otherwise suitable for Basic Education, but our groups are full, you will be placed on a waiting list. We will contact you in case a place becomes available for you. We will let you know if your application has been rejected. Requirements for Basic Education phases Please read our requirements for different phases. If you have completed the equivalent of Finnish primary and secondary school education, we recommend you apply to another type of education. Requirements for Literacy, Introductory and Final Phases Literacy Phase is aimed at students who cannot read or write in the Latin alphabet (ABC) whose reading and writing skills are only at the level ’starting’ or ’developing’ literacy whose reading and writing skills are not yet sufficient for Introductory Phase studies who have not completed the equivalent of Finnish primary school education in their home country or elsewhere. Introductory Phase is aimed at students who cannot yet start the Final Phase studies who can read and write in the Latin alphabet (ABC) whose skills in the Finnish language are approximately on the level A1.3 who have not completed the equivalent of Finnish primary school education in their home country or elsewhere. Final Phase is aimed at students who have the study skills required at the Final Phase, whose Finnish language skills are at least on the level A2.1 who have elementary Math and English skills who have not completed the equivalent of Finnish primary school education in their home country or elsewhere. Literacy Phase Introductory Phase Final Phase