A National certificate of language proficiency, or a YKI certificate, is a certificate of language proficiency for adults that allows you to prove your language skills in an officially recognised way. YKI examinations evaluate skills in common language in practical situations, meaning that they require no knowledge of specialty language or specific industry jargon.

The National Certificate of Language Proficiency, The Finnish and Swedish Languages, Intermediate Level (YKI 3-4)

The National Certificate of Language Proficiency evaluates the language skills of adults. At the National Certificate of Language Proficiency test you can test how well you speak, write and understand Finnish. If you wish to apply for Finnish citizenship, you will need a certificate of Finnish or Swedish language proficiency. You can demonstrate your language skills by taking the intermediate level test of language proficiency.

The test evaluates both spoken and written language skills (text comprehension, writing, speech comprehension and speaking). The test takes approximately 5 hours. All parts of the test are done on the same day.

Download the assessment criteria in PDF format from the University of Jyväskylä website.

See video clip on how to find the criteria.

Information på svenska

Registration for the YKI test

Next test dates:

29.3.2025 (Finnish), the registration starts 3.2.2025

5.4.2025 (Swedish), the registration starts 17.2.2025

24.5.2025 (Finnish), the registration starts 7.4.2025

30.8.2025 (Finnish and Swedish), the registration starts 2.6.2025

3.10.2025 (Finnish and Swedish), the registration starts 18.8.2025

8.11.2025 (Finnish), the registration starts 22.9.2025

15.11.2025 (Swedish), the registration starts 29.9.2025

31.1.2026 (Finnish and Swedish), the registration starts 2.1.2026

28.3.2026 (Finnish), the registration starts 9.2.2026

11.4.2026 (Swedish), the registration starts 23.2.2026

23.5.2026 (Finnish), the registration starts 7.4.2026

  • You can only register online, follow the link below.
  • You need Finnish online bank codes in order to register online. If you don’t have them, you can register using your email address. The registration cannot be done on behalf of another person.
  • Please check that you have filled your information correctly, including your e-mail.
  • You will get an email around one week before the test. There will be instructions for the YKI test and the time your test will start.
  • If there’s a place available on waiting list, you’ll be notified by email.
  • YKI test must be paid within one week after the registration. The test costs 176 €. You’ll receive a link to make the payment by email.
  • The test location: Helsingin aikuisopisto, Runeberginkatu 22-24, 00100 Helsinki.
  • If you need special arrangements, please read the instructions from the link below.

Courses at the Institute of Adult Education

Instructions and Exercises for the Finnish YKI Test

Instructions and Exercises for the Swedish YKI test