The Institute of Adult Education in Helsinki Received the 2007 Quality Prize
The Minister of Education Sari Sarkomaa awarded quality prizes for the institutes of adult education. Three institutes of adult education received the 30 000 euro prize, the Institute of Adult Education in Helsinki was one of the recipients. On the year 2007 the special theme of the quality prizes was language training.
According to the Minister and the Evaluation Committee the Institute of Adult Education in Helsinki received the award for the following reasons:
- Language training has a central role in the Institute’s course selection.
- The execution of the language training showed clearly the changes in the operating environment – in for example the focus of the language training for immigrants as a central theme.
- There are a total of approximately 15 languages in the Institute’s language selection annually.
- The Institute has been able to meet the demands quickly and flexibly; it has, for example, organized teaching at the students’ places of residence.
- The high quality of teaching has become evident in both the students’ and the interest groups’ evaluations.
- The size of teaching groups and the skill level groups have been formed in an ideal manner to support the most efficient learning possible.
- The teachers’ professionalism is of a very high standard and the teaching methods used support learning very well. 8. The interest groups view the Institute as realiable, energetic and pro-development partner, who flexible to work with.
The other two award recipients were The Vanajavesi Adult Education Centre and The Valkeakoski Adult Education Centre.