

Our web service is open to all. Browsing the pages does not require registering.

We do not collect personal data, which enable the identification of specific users. We do not profile users or target advertising at users.

What are cookies

Cookies are small text files containing information, which are created by the opened web page. They are saved on the computer of the visitor, so that the visitor is able to utilize different functions.

How do we use cookies

We save cookies so that the page would load faster once you have already visited it. With the help of cookies we are constantly able to improve the content of our website. The identifiers are saved to ensure the technical execution and usage, and to support development and marketing. Only the service provider may handle the identifiers within the scope of their task. The identifiers are not divulged to outside parties unless legislation specifically requires it.

You can disable these third party cookies on your browser settings by following the instructions. It is good to note, however, that cookies may be useful for some pages we administer and services we offer to function properly.

Google Analytics

Statistics are collected in compilations on the service usage: the total number of visitors, the most popular pages, the entry pages to the service, the exit pages of the service and other similar information. We use Google Analytics on our page to collect statistics. The Google privacy policy can be read at  

The web page usage information created with cookies (standard internet login information, including the user’s IP address and anonymous visitor information) transfers and is saved to Google, on servers in the United States, among others. The user’s IP address is made anonymous before it is sent to Google. According the its Privacy Shield confirmation Google states that it complies with the Privacy Shield arrangement of the EU and the United States.

Google may provide third parties with information from Google Analytics if required by law of when third parties handle information on behalf of Google. In accordance with the terms and conditions of Google analytics, Google does not combine the IP addresses of those registered to any other information stored in Google.

Feedback and Contact Request

One can send feedback, contact requests or other such notices via the contact form on out page, or via our chat service. One must include contact information in the message, so it can be answered. The messages sent via the contact form are archived in the service for two years at maximum.

When sending a message containing personal information one must take into account that by sending a contact form or an e-mail without protection has poor information security, and the secrecy and protection of the information cannot be completely guaranteed. Please note this when sending  message, which contains delicate personal information.

You can also send a secure message, our secure e-mail is


You can register as a recipient of our newsletter on our page, and then we will save your registering e-mail into our newsletter register.

Menossa YKIin -test

On the page there is also test Menossa Ykiin, which does not require login, and which does not save personalizing information on the users.

Sections Requiring Registering

  • signing up for an Institute class (Hellewi)

Community Plugins

We use community plugins for communications and marketing.

Our web page may have links and contacts (like ’like’ and/or ’share’ buttons) to third pary web pages, such as Instagram, Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Pinterest. The content of these is loaded off third party servers. Instragram, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest and other similar service providers may collect information on the user’s visit according to their current terms and conditions.

Some community plugins can also enable third parties to collect information on web service usage, if the user is signed in to the service in question. This is beyond our realm of influence. If the user is signed out or if the user does not have a user account for the service in question, the user’s device sends more restricted information.

You can explore these third party privacy policies through these links: Instagram: Facebook:, Google+:, Twitter:, Pinterest:

Privacy Policy

You can read our Privacy Policy here